ETUCE Final Conference on Teachers’ Work-Related Stress
5th - 6th October 2009
Risk Assessment Systems, Inclusion of Psychosocial Hazards
in Social Dialogue and Teacher Unions’ Health & Safety Strategies
From 5th to 6th October 2009, there was a final conference held in Athens on work-related stress entitled „Risk assessment systems, inclusion of psychosocial hazards in social dialogue and teacher unions’ Health & Safety strategies”. The conference was organised by the ETUCE and was attended by representatives from several dozens of European countries. Its aim was to exchange information, good practices and union strategies leading to the improvement of health and safety issues at school.
The conference was devoted to the implementation of risk assessment in the context of teachers’ work-related stress, including health and safety issues in social dialogue on institutional, local, regional and national levels. Particular attention was paid to the performance of the ETUCE Network on Working Conditions and Health and Safety as well as to the summary of trade union actions and good practices implemented in particular countries. Moreover, conclusions were drawn on the basis of the questionnaires sent to the ETUCE by European trade unions concerning good practices in social dialogue and teacher unions’ actions on psychosocial hazards linked to work-related stress. They formed the basis for elaborating and implementing the ETUCE action plan in the field of health and safety at workplace as well as the European Autonomous Framework Agreement on Work-Related Stress. In the conference participated representatives of the ETUCE top management, namely its General Secretary, Martin Rømer and its Vice-President, Kounka Damianova.
One of the key points of the conference was the presentation of three good practices on work-related stress in social dialogue taken from the surveys. The floor was taken by representatives of Maltese, Slovenian and Estonian teachers’ trade unions. The conference also included group work devoted to the question of improving teacher union strategies and actions on Health and Safety.
The ZNP was represented by Joanna Siecińska.